MTH-2520 Homework 5: Functions and Basic Programming

Problem 1:

Write a function that computes the area of a circle.

Calculate_Area <- function(r) {
# This function calculates the area of a circle
area <- pi * r^2

radii <- c(5, 15, 200)

[1]     78.53982    706.85835 125663.70614

Problem 2:

Write a function that computes the average absolute value. \(\frac{\lvert x \rvert + \lvert y \rvert}{2}\).

Average_Absolutely <- function(x, y) {
  # This function calculates the average absolute value. 
  # (|x| + |y|) / 2
  absolute_average <- (abs(x) + abs(y)) / 2

example_x <- c(-3:2)
example_y <- c(-3:2)

Average_Absolutely(example_x, example_y)
[1] 3 2 1 0 1 2

Problem 3:

Write a function to count the number of odd integers in a given vector x. Test your function of the vectors: c(1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9), seq(1, 99, 3) and seq(1, 5000, 7).

# Returns the amount of odd integers in a given vector
Count_Odds <- function(x) {
  odds <- length(which(x %% 2 > 0))

ex_1 <- c(1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9)
ex_2 <- seq(1, 99, 3)
ex_3 <- seq(1, 5000, 7)

cat("The amount of odds in the first vector are", Count_Odds(ex_1), "\n")
The amount of odds in the first vector are 4 
cat("The amount of odds in the second vector are", Count_Odds(ex_2), "\n")
The amount of odds in the second vector are 17 
cat("The amount of odds in the third vector are", Count_Odds(ex_3), "\n")
The amount of odds in the third vector are 358 

Problem 4:

Use ifelse or switch to return “even” or “odd” depending whether or not each element of the vector x is divisible by 2.

# This function finds the remainder of various integers and assigns them even or odd depending on said remainder. 
Even_or_Odd <- function(x) {
  y <- x%%2
  if (y == 0){

x_1 <- c(1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9)
x_2 <- 1:20

sapply(x_1, Even_or_Odd)
[1] "odd"  "odd"  "odd"  "even" "even" "odd" 
sapply(x_2, Even_or_Odd)
 [1] "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even"
[11] "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even" "odd"  "even"

Problem 5:

We wish to compute the product of 3, 4 or 5 digits, and then add 42. Write a function to complete this task. Test your function on the vectors: c(3,5,7), c(3,5,7,9) and c(5,6,7,8,9).

sqornshellous_zeta <- function(x) {
  # This function does what it says on the tin. That is, to say, takes the product of a vector and adds the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
  # This function only works for vectors made up of integers, floats and logicals.
  product_value <- prod(x)
  final_product_value <- product_value + 42

ex_51 <- c(3,5,7)
ex_52 <- c(3,5,7,9)
ex_53 <- c(5,6,7,8,9)

[1] 147
[1] 987
[1] 15162

Problem 6:

The sum formula for the finite geometric series \(h(x,n) = \sum_{i=0}^{n} x^{i} = 1 + x + x^2 + ... + x^n, x \neq 1\) is given by:

\[ h(x,n) = \begin{cases} \frac{1 - x^{n+1}}{1-x} & \text{for $x \neq 1$} \\ n & \text{for $x = 1$} \end{cases} \]

Write a function to compute this formula. Use your function to compute: h(0.7, 57), h(4.2, 9), h(-1.2, 81) and h(1, 342).

piecewise_example <- function(x,n) {
  if (x == 1){return(n)}
  else{return({(1 - x^(n+1)) / (1-x)})}

piecewise_example(0.7, 57)
[1] 3.333333
piecewise_example(4.2, 9)
[1] 533755.9
piecewise_example(-1.2, 81)
[1] -1413967
piecewise_example(1, 342)
[1] 342

Problem 7.

Write a function that computes \(f(n) = n!\) using the formula \(n! n(n-1,)(n-2) ... 2 \cdot 1\) and does not use factorial(). For a given integer \(n\), the function prints out:

  1. n! n> 0
  2. 1 for n=0
  3. NaN for n<0 Test on n=5, 15, 0, -8
better_factorial <- function(n){

  # Here I have if statements that return 1 if n=0 and a NaN if n<0. I put these at the start to catch them as soon as possible
  if (n == 0){return(1)}
  if (n < 0){return(NaN)}
  return_value <- 1
  # This while loop takes a value which is set to 1 and multiplies it by a variable "n" that gets progressively smaller by 1 with every loop. This loop stops once n is no longer greater than 1.
  while (n > 1) {
    return_value <- return_value * n
    n <- n-1

cat("5! is", better_factorial(5), "\n")
5! is 120 
cat("15! is", better_factorial(15), "\n")
15! is 1.307674e+12 
cat("0! is", better_factorial(0), "\n")
0! is 1 
cat("-8! is", better_factorial(-8), "\n")
-8! is NaN 

Problem 8

Write a function that prints out the 1st n Lucas numbers for a given n. Test your function for n = 10, 25.

lucas_func <- function(n){
  #First I need to make sure no negative values are plugged in here. 
  if (n < 1){
  # Then we just need to setup the first two known values of this sequence. That is, 2 and 1.
  if (n == 1){
  if (n == 2){
  #Essentially my game plan is to have a and b add with each other to create a variable "c". After doing that we reassign some values. The key here is the counter. It goes up by 1 at the end of the loop and when it is no longer less than n the loop stops. 
  a <- 2
  b <- 1
  counter <- 2
  results_list <- c(2, 1) # We create a small vector here with our two given values.
  while (counter < n) {
    c <- a + b
    a <- b
    b <- c
    counter <- counter + 1
    results_list <- append(results_list, c) #This makes that small little vector useful! 

test_val <- c(10, 25)
sapply(test_val, lucas_func)
 [1]  2  1  3  4  7 11 18 29 47 76

 [1]      2      1      3      4      7     11     18     29     47     76
[11]    123    199    322    521    843   1364   2207   3571   5778   9349
[21]  15127  24476  39603  64079 103682

Problem 9

tribo_func <- function(n){
  #Essentially my gameplan here is the exact same as problem 8, I just add in another variable. 
  if (n < 1){
  if (n == 1){
  if (n == 2){
  if (n == 3){
  a <- 0
  b <- 0
  c <- 1
  counter <- 3
  results_list <- c(0, 0, 1)
  while (counter < n) {
    d <- a + b + c
    a <- b
    b <- c
    c <- d
    counter <- counter + 1
    results_list <- append(results_list, d)

test_val2 <- c(10, 25)
sapply(test_val2, tribo_func)
 [1]  0  0  1  1  2  4  7 13 24 44

 [1]      0      0      1      1      2      4      7     13     24     44
[11]     81    149    274    504    927   1705   3136   5768  10609  19513
[21]  35890  66012 121415 223317 410744

Problem 10

Using the code for the Fibonacci sequence given in class, generate a vector containing every 3rd term of the 1st 30 terms. Then verify using R that is vector contains only even numbers. Theorem: Every third Fibonacci number is even.

Fibonacci <- function(n){
fib <- numeric(n)
# Create a vector of length n

fib[1] <- fib[2] <- 1
# Store F 1 and F 2 in the vector

for (i in 3:n) fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2]

cat("The first", n, "Fibonacci numbers are", "\n")

# Here I set fib_30 to the vector created when 30 is put into the fibonacci function.
fib_30 <- Fibonacci(30)
The first 30 Fibonacci numbers are 
 [1]      1      1      2      3      5      8     13     21     34     55
[11]     89    144    233    377    610    987   1597   2584   4181   6765
[21]  10946  17711  28657  46368  75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040
# From here I filter it out using a sequence. The sequence starts at the third position and moves up by 3. 
fib_thirds <- fib_30[seq(3, length(fib_30), 3)]

cat("Every third value in the Fibonacci sequence up to the thirtieth are", fib_thirds, "\n")
Every third value in the Fibonacci sequence up to the thirtieth are 2 8 34 144 610 2584 10946 46368 196418 832040 
# To check if all the values here are even we can actually use our old Even_or_Odd function!
sapply(fib_thirds, Even_or_Odd)
 [1] "even" "even" "even" "even" "even" "even" "even" "even" "even" "even"

Problem 11

Using the code for the Fibonacci sequence given in class, generate a vector containing every 4th term of the 1st 30 terms. Then verify using R that every number in this vector is divisible by three. Theorem: Every fourth Fibonacci number is divisible by three.

Fibonacci <- function(n){
fib <- numeric(n)
# Create a vector of length n

fib[1] <- fib[2] <- 1
# Store F 1 and F 2 in the vector

for (i in 3:n) fib[i] = fib[i-1] + fib[i-2]

cat("The first", n, "Fibonacci numbers are", "\n")

# Here I set fib_30 to the vector created when 30 is put into the fibonacci function.
fib_30 <- Fibonacci(30)
The first 30 Fibonacci numbers are 
 [1]      1      1      2      3      5      8     13     21     34     55
[11]     89    144    233    377    610    987   1597   2584   4181   6765
[21]  10946  17711  28657  46368  75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040
# From here I filter it out using a sequence. The sequence starts at the fourth position and moves up by 4. 
fib_fourth <- fib_30[seq(4, length(fib_30), 4)]

cat("Every fourth value in the Fibonacci sequence up to the thirtieth are", fib_fourth, "\n")
Every fourth value in the Fibonacci sequence up to the thirtieth are 3 21 144 987 6765 46368 317811 
# To see if all of these are divisible by three we just slightly tweak our even or odd function!

divisible_by_three <- function(x) {
  y <- x%%3
  if (y == 0){

sapply(fib_fourth, divisible_by_three)

Problem 12

Generate a sequence of ratios with the Fibonacci numbers. List the 1st 30 terms of this sequence and verify the sequence appears to converge to 1.618034.

fibonacci_ratio <- function(n){
  fib_vector <- Fibonacci(n+1) #I add the +1 here to prevent things from getting wacky when we reach the end of the final loop.
  ratio_vector <- c()
  for (i in 0:n) ratio_vector[i] = fib_vector[i+1] / fib_vector[i] #The n on this line could be replaced with n-1 if you remove the +1 from the n a few lines up. 

The first 31 Fibonacci numbers are 
 [1]       1       1       2       3       5       8      13      21      34
[10]      55      89     144     233     377     610     987    1597    2584
[19]    4181    6765   10946   17711   28657   46368   75025  121393  196418
[28]  317811  514229  832040 1346269
 [1] 1.000000 2.000000 1.500000 1.666667 1.600000 1.625000 1.615385 1.619048
 [9] 1.617647 1.618182 1.617978 1.618056 1.618026 1.618037 1.618033 1.618034
[17] 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034
[25] 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034 1.618034
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